


51st Settecolli. On the curtain

Settecolli 2014

Great swimming and sport arrives in the Capital city. This morning in Rome, at the Stadio del Nuoto, in Monte Mario stand, the 51st edition of the most long-lived International competition in the world, in programme from 13 to 15 June, is disclosed.
Excellent speakers such as Giovanni Malagò, the President of Italian Olympic Commitee (CONI), Paolo Barelli, the President of Italian Swimming Federation (FIN), Cesare Butini, the Technical Director of National Team of swimming, Angelo Trocchia, the Unilever Italia President, Roberto Valori, the President of Paralympic FIN, Franco Chimenti, the President of CONI Service, support the event.
While in the hall the swimming National Team is present. Among them several Azzurri stars such as Federica Pellegrini and Filippo Magnini, Gregorio Paltrinieri and Luca Dotto. 
"I feel at home - Malagò says, number one of italian sport - CONI promotes sports for young people and great events such as the Golden Gala of Athletics, the International of Tennis, today become the fifth competition in the world after the slams. With the same international mind, we work to make Settecolli an excellence in international sport system.
Settecolli is a synonymous of beauty, as Federica Pellegrini says. She often declares that the Foro pool is the most beautiful pool in the world. Organizing an event in such a beautiful scenario encourages us to improve it year after year, to step up the incomes and the show around it".
The President of FIN Paolo Barelli says: "There is a connection between the Tennis International and Settecolli competitions. The central of Tennis was one of venue of World Championships of swimming in 2009. We are proud to continue a sport tradition that put us at the centre of Foro Italico facility. In particular I would like to thank the National Team that makes us very proud thanks to its challenges and Ranomi Kromowidjojo representing all the international stars shining in Stadio del Nuoto. During the event, there will be also a prestigious friendly match between Italy and Hungary that represents the best of world waterpolo only one month before Budapest European Championships. These competitions are a prelude of an interesting and important summer that will reach the top with Berlin European Championships in August. Our aim is to create an event lasting ten days and involving also diving and synchronized swimming. At last, I would like to thank also the Paralympic Federation, here represented by our friend Roberto Valori, who also this year will be present in male 100m freestyle with 10 athletes in pomeridian session on Saturday".
We also thank our partners: ARENA, UNIPOL, HERBALIFE, KINDER+SPORT, SKODA, SEGAFREDO, the media partners CORRIERE DELLO SPORT and MESSAGGERO, the official radio RADIO MANA' MANA'; RAISPORT that will live broadcast all the finals and the MAIN SPONSOR CLEAR of the group UNILEVER ITALIA.
The Technical Director Cesare Butini showed the numbers of the great event: "Settecolli is similar to a very good quality wine - Butini tells - great international participations with 5 Olympic chemapions and 4 World champions, but also our champions ready to take on this new challenge for the European selections with high levels technical values. For the our National Team this event is a reason of proud and a good opportunity to show our value useful for the technical growth of the entire group. I would like to thank Federation to have get us such a beautiful scenario, that remind the World Championships in 2009. Good luck to all of you!".
Roberto Valori, the President of FINP, is very proud of Paralympic competitions: "I would like to thank the President Barelli. We are brothers of FIN thanks to a process of integration settled during these years. I remember the first Paralympic races in Toronto in 1976 with about 20 countries, while in Rio about 170 will be present. This year ten male athletes in 100m freestyle will participate in the pomeridian session on Saturday, in a beautiful scenario as the Stadio del Nuoto, showing that there are no differences between us in a sport without barriers".
From this year the holding Unilever Italia cooperates with CONI brand to support great events. The President Angelo Trocchia highlighted the common way: "CONI is a quality brand supporting events such as the Italian International Tennis competitions, the Golden gala of Athletics and now Settecolli. Settecolli is a synonymous of excellence in sport, passion, quality, such as Clear, number one of shampoo from over thirty years. For this reason we are proud to glorify this partnership showing common values".
The Settebello match will have a great introduction. Ten years ago Setterosa, already twice World champion and four times European champion, conquered the legend medal Olympic gold in Athens 2004 against the Greek landladies. FIN will celebrate that success with all protagonists. In the hall the Setterosa TC Pierluigi Formiconi will be present: "It's an honour to be mentioned after these years. I am very happy to see again several champions with which I shared unforgettable moments. I invite all of you to come before the macth to say hello the athletes that gave italian sport a lot, and then enjoy the great show of Settebello".

A record edition - Trofeo Settecolli-Clear is 51 years old and will be celebrate by 679 athletes (364 men and 315 women) involved in 1863 competitions. Significant numbers with a very important international value considering the 228 foreign swimmers registered. Competitions will be held from 13 to 15 June at Stadio del Nuoto, already theatre of European Championships 1983 and World Championships 1994 and 2009. The preliminary heats will start at 9:00, the finals at 18:30 on Friday and Saturday, and at 17:00 on Sunday and live broadcasted on Rai Sport 2.
This year Trofeo Settecolli-Clear will involve also water polo, not only swimming. On Friday there will be the friendly luxury match between vice Olympic Italian champions and World Hungarian champions. The match will start at 21:00 (free entrance) and broadcasted on a delayed basis at 20:30 on Saturday on Rai Sport 2. FIN will celebrate the Setterosa Olympic champions, that ten years ago conquered the historical gold medal against the Greek landladies in Athene.

Photo Andrea Staccioli